Roundtable discussion with Professor Peter Dean — Unpacking the Defence Strategic Review

Professor Peter Dean is the Director of the Foreign Policy and Defence Program, United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney and previously the inaugural Director of UWA’s Defence and Security Institute. Peter was the principal author of the DSR for the Independent Leads, Professor the Honourable His Excellency Stephen Smith and Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston, AK, AFC, and he will be joining us in Perth to provide a nuanced insider’s view of the thought behind the making of the Australian government’s recent strategic document.
Peter will help to unpack the Defence Strategic Review and explain why it matters to Australia in a highly contested era. He will also discuss the ways in which the DSR can help to better shape Defence and the Australian Defence Force for our current and future strategic circumstances. Peter will also provide his insights on the next steps following on from the Review, including issues of strategic importance to Western Australia and the independent analysis of Navy’s surface combatant fleet capability due in September.
Natalie Sambhi, Executive Director of Verve Research and Visiting Fellow at UWA DSI will join Peter to moderate this discussion.