Your UWA Defence and Security Institute

The UWA Defence and Security Institute (DSI) invites all UWA staff involved in or interested in defence-related research to attend an information session regarding our efforts to support and add value to your defence research and engagement.
This event is being organised by the DSI research and engagement sub-committee to ensure all Defence Interaction Group members and any other defence-interested researchers at UWA are aware of the events, support and promotional activities undertaken by the DSI.
The event will include:
- Presentations by the DSI research and engagement sub-committee highlighting the role of the DSI in coordinating support for research and engagement in defence-related areas.
- An overview of the recently mapped UWA Defence Research Capability areas and first look at the DSI Capability Statements promotional material.
- An opportunity for researchers to provide feedback about how the DSI can maximise value-adding opportunities.
Afternoon tea will be provided to allow informal networking at the conclusion of the presentations so please stay for further discussions.
Date: Thursday, 2 June 2022
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm – Please arrive by 1:45pm
Location: Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre (IOMRC) auditorium
RSVP: Please register using Eventbrite by Friday, 27 May
We look forward to welcoming you.